Monday, September 30, 2013

The father God

There is a father God inside of each woman, just as in men.  The essence is the same, just more soul for the woman, more spirit for the man.  But inside, both are identical in makeup.

To see the father God in the woman, simply wait until she's angry and then ask yourself:  is this a masculine energy I'm seeing, feeling, or feminine.  Is it hard or soft?  Authoritarian or yielding?  Ruthless or compassionate?  Does it want to engage in holy war, or compromise?

Does it want to smite it's enemies?


Anonymous said...

There is a father God inside of each woman, just as in men?..

This means is some mother God also?..for I never seen a father without a mother..hey..maybe is some old numbnuts grandfather God and older than the weather in Alaska grandmother fruitcake God.. like a dried prune,all wrinkles .. God in me? I see your God gay or not?..this is the cryptic question?

Anurag Shantam said...